Best destinations for study Languages
In the world
America is officially known as the United States of America, a federal republic consisting of fifty states, which gained its independence in 1783 after gaining its sovereignty from the United Kingdom, and its capital and political center is Washington, D.C. The United States of America is characterized by a hot and humid climate in the plains and southern states, and in the southwest, the weather becomes very hot and very dry during the summer, while in the winter, the weather is moderate in the southern states, and in the north, northeast, plains, and in the western mountains, the weather is often very cold with heavy snowfall, and a drop in temperatures that reach freezing. English is the official language in America and the most common in the country, as the percentage of its speakers is about % of the American population, as for the population speaking Spanish, its number is estimated at about 82.9 % of the population 0.9 , and about 0.64%, and the percentage of the population speaking Chinese is estimated at about 12.85
Native American Languages